Mrs. A! Look at this beauty! We absolutely love her! She found me on Google while looking for a boudoir photographer for her and her hubby. They have been married for over ten years and he is always asking her for sexy photos, so she decided to up her sexy photo game. She also wanted to do this session to feel sexy. She said something that really struck me. She said she feels a lot of things, but sexy isn't one of them. We women NEED to feel sexy. We NEED to feel desirable. These are emotional needs, whether we realize it or not, and is something we need for good mental and emotional health. Every living thing on this planet, whether it too realizes it or not, wants to be loved. For adult humans, feeling sexy goes hand in hand with that love we crave. My favorite thing about Mrs A's boudoir session was her surprise at how wonderfully she executed her posing and being sexy. All of us have it in us to be sexy, sometimes we just need someone to guide us to it. Thank you Mrs. A for the amazing session. We love you and hope to see you again very soon!
Make sure to leave Mrs. A a sweet comment below! She totally deserves it!
Mrs. A's images have been altered to conceal her identity and protect her privacy.